은주 Choi 

Los Angeles, US (2023-current) 

  1. CuppyBreak: Cup & Drink, 2024 
  2. CuppyBreak: Cups, 2023-ongoing
  3. Hire Me Under the Table (coming)
  4. Road Signs (coming)
  5. Store (coming)

Seoul, KR (2021-2023)

  1. CuppyCafe, 2023
  2. Street Push Cart Project, 2022
  3. Prototype for How to Build a House, 2022
  4. Species of Spaces, 2022

Brooklyn, US (2019-2021) 

  1. The In-Betweens, 2020-2021
  2. Void As Matter, 2021
  3. Bracket {  }, 2021
  4. Space As Heavy As My Body, 2019

Chicago, US (2014-2019)

  1. The Coffee I Drink Everyday Is Different But the Cigarette That the Man Smokes Is the Same, 2018-2021
  2. Exit To/From, 2019
  3. Air as Experience of a Dimension of Space, 2018

London, UK (2016-2017) 

  1. untitled space, 2016
  2. architectural drawings, 2017  

five cities; space, body, identity, and relationship 

For the past decade, I lived in 5 different cities, Seoul, Chicago, London, New York, and now in Los Angeles.

When I say “I live by making art,” I mean it quite literally. Each work is a temporary dwelling of where I connect with my inner self in an effort to ultimately seek comfort. Art has fueled my journey of settling down—of finding solace in an object, place, headspace, or relationship.

From the seemingly mundane, I question subject-object relationships between the self and others, between found objects and certain phenomena. To find the answers, I immerse myself in everyday experiences; I might visit a cafe, ride the train, take a walk, or curl up with a good book. Finding joy in ordinary tasks has led to my discovery of various species and spaces: the visible and the positive, the invisible and the negative, and then the in-between. Through my artwork, I explore and manifest the intangible, ephemeral nature of lived experiences, shaping my findings into public interventions, performative sculptures, interactive installations, architectural prototypes, and an artist’s book. 

Contact q.mistychoi@gmail.com
Instagram @misty.study

©2024 최 Misty 은주 Choi